Here we are on Day 5 of the 10-day Sprouting Challenge I’m participating in and so much has happened!

Just look!


My little seeds and beans have become sprouts and they’re ready to eat!

Mung beans

Sprouting mung beans

 Have become mung bean sprouts!

Mung bean sprouts

Radish seeds

Sprouting Radish

Have become radish sprouts!

Radish sprouts

And alfalfa seeds

Sprouting Alfalfa

Have become alfalfa sprouts!

Alfalfa sprouts

Here is the before and after of the little mung bean

Mung before and after

Just bursting with protein and enzymes and wonderfulness!

Now to enjoy eating my bounty!  I’m thinking salad toppers and smoothies.  Any other ideas for how to eat these little guys?

Next I’m going to try sprouting some broccoli seeds I have here at home.  Stay tuned!

And tomorrow I’ll post the details for the Bio Snacky Sprouts sprouting jar and starter seeds giveaway that I’ll be doing here.